I think therefore I am


The phrase « Je pense, donc je suis » is a famous philosophical statement coined by the philosopher René Descartes. It translates to « I think, therefore I am » in English. This concept is a fundamental part of Descartes’ philosophy and is central to his approach to understanding the nature of existence.

In his treatise « Discourse on the Method, » Descartes reflects on the skepticism that permeated philosophical thought during his time. He embarked on a journey of doubt, questioning everything he believed to be true. In the process, he arrived at a profound conclusion: the act of doubting itself serves as proof of one’s existence.

For Descartes, the ability to think is what distinguishes humans from all other beings. By engaging in thought and doubt, individuals affirm their own existence. He argued that even if all external experiences and perceptions were deceiving, the one thing that cannot be doubted is the fact that there is thinking occurring. This self-awareness, this ability to question and reason, is the foundation upon which one’s existence is built.

« Je pense, donc je suis » encapsulates Descartes’ philosophy of the certainty of existence through the act of thinking. It emphasizes the importance of conscious thought as the ultimate proof of one’s being. This idea has had a profound impact on Western philosophy and continues to provoke contemplation and debate.

In conclusion, « Je pense, donc je suis » serves as a reminder of the profound connection between thought and existence. It highlights the notion that our ability to think and reflect is what defines our humanity and affirms our presence in the world.

In other Languages


  • je: I;
  • pense: think;
  • donc: therefore;
  • suis: I am;