French Language Notes, Proverbs, Sayings, and Quotes

Catégorie : Proverbs and Sayings (Page 1 of 2)

À mauvais ouvrier point de bon outil

A bad worker blames his tools


« À mauvais ouvrier point de bon outil » is a French proverb that translates to « A bad worker blames his tools » in English. This saying conveys the idea that a skilled worker can achieve good results even with limited resources, while a careless or unskilled worker will likely blame their tools for their failures. It emphasizes the importance of skill and craftsmanship over the quality of the tools used. This proverb serves as a reminder that one’s abilities and efforts are more influential in achieving success than the tools or equipment at one’s disposal.

À chaque fou plaît sa marotte

To each their own


« À chaque fou plaît sa marotte » is a French expression that translates as « To each their own. » It implies that each person has their own preferences, interests, or obsessions that may not be understandable or enjoyable to others. This saying reminds us to respect and appreciate the differences in people’s tastes and hobbies, even if they seem peculiar or uninteresting to us. It emphasizes the importance of individuality and diversity in our preferences and celebrates the unique ways in which people find joy and satisfaction in life.

La nuit porte conseil

The night brings council

French Proverb

« La nuit porte conseil » is a French proverb that translates to « The night brings counsel » in English. This expression suggests that taking time to think about a decision overnight can lead to wiser choices. It implies that the quiet and solitude of the night can provide a fresh perspective, allowing one to make rational decisions after reflection. This proverb reminds us of the importance of patience and not rushing into hasty judgments. By considering our options and allowing time for introspection, we can often arrive at better conclusions. So, « La nuit porte conseil » urges us to embrace the wisdom that the night can bring and encourages a thoughtful approach to decision-making.

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